Bus Driver bites off and swallows Tax force officer's finger

  An unidentified driver bites and swallows the finger of one Mr Iboko Kenneth, member of state’s Ministry of Capital City Development task force, inorder to escape arrest.
  The said driver beat off the officer's finger and swallowed it despite the struggle to free the officer's finger.

  The incident occurred at Onuebonyi junction in Abakaliki metropolis, on Tuesday, the 16th day in November. It happened as a result of checking conducted my Mr Kenneth and his crew.

According to the newstory, drivers were loading passengers along the road. And an order was issued by the state command to make sure such does not occur again. In the process, drivers were captured and asked to follow them to the station for proper discussion and settlement. Other drivers agreed but the said driver in a bid to resist arrest, got hold of Mr Iboko Kenneth hand and beat off his finger, swallowed it and took to his heels.

He's a statement from Mr Iboko Kenneth,
“While other drivers complied, we attempted to take the car key from him and immediately, he got hold of my hand and b*t off one of my fingers. Despite all my struggle to free myself from his grip, he held unto my hand. To the amazement of many, he didn’t just bite off the finger bit he swallowed it and immediately took to his heels and escaped".

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