Man Celebrates His Mum Who Is Graduating After 20Years Of Dropping Out For Him To Further His Education.

Man Celebrates His Mum Who Is Graduating After 20Years Of Dropping Out For Him To Further His Education.

 Mechanical engineer by his Twitter handle @Njikah 💜 celebrates his brave and hard-working mum who is graduating after years of been away from school in order for him to pursue his dream.

  According to him, his mum left school in 2002 for him to further his education and 20years later, she is a graduate of "Human Resource Management". 

He took to his Twitter account to congratulate and celebrate his mum for the sacrifice she made 20years ago. "Congratulations Mum💜
Human Resource Manager Certified 😌
My Super Woman ❤️
Sugar Cane provider UmuNwa 🤭

Soo proud of you for all you've achieved

Today My Mum Defends her degree after leaving her admission in 2002 just so that I could be educated and have Life

20years later she's defending her degree
Mother's are the Best
The Human Form of Sacrificial Lamb ☺️

Respect to all the mother's out there".

 He further added, "Fun fact

She graduates with a Higher CGPA than I did 😂😂😂


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