Doctor Solex Biography gist

Doctor Solomon Chinkata Ehemere (born on 21st July, 1983) is a Nigerian gospel artist, Indian trained medical doctor and poultry farmer. He's a native of Mbutu-oma village, Umuejije, Osisioma L.G.A, Abia State whose goal is to be known globally and has not repented on that. He had his primary and secondary education at Mbutu-oma primary school and Concord secondary school, Asa-umumgbede, Osisioma L.G.A, Abia State respectively. He is also a graduate of Abia State University, Okigwe, Abia State.

He has three(6) songs 
1. Sacrifice
2. Dedication

3. It's well.
4. It is over

5. I believe in you

6. I worship you

Asides music, he aims at rendering community services globally, implementing his expertise in the field of medicine, entertainment and farming, communicate and maintain standard good relationship.

Contact: +234 903 518 6384
He's also on social media. Follow him on Facebook @Doctor Solex, Tiktok @doctorsolex, Instagram @doctor.solex and on YouTube @doctorsolex.

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