Waiter Recieves R 7800(#103,690.72) As A Tip From A Customer He Served Delightfully

  A young joyful and energetic waiter by the name Elton Thamamgani has come out to testify how his good gesture towards his customer fetched him something light.

  Elton through a Facebook group #ImStaying narrated how it all happened.

  Read below...
“Just thought I could share this there so many good people out there. When we opened restaurants after Level 3 lockdown, one of our local customers came to our restaurant and l served him with much joy as we had not seen each other for months; we laughed, talked and cracked jokes.

“When it was time for him to pay the bill of R3 800 (N98,506.18) he added R4 000 (N103,690.72) as a tip. At first I thought I was dreaming but I wasn’t.

There is nothing that beats the joy of being loved and appreciated. I just want to say thank you. #ImStaying.”
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