33-Year-old Brazilian Lady Who Got Married To Herself Is Set to Divorce After 90days Of Been Sold Married Because She Met “Someone Special”.

A solo married lady Known as Cris Galera from Sao Paulo in Brazil, is set to divorce her 90days old marriage after meeting "someone special".

She said, "I started to believe in love the moment I met someone else special.”

33-year-old lady who married herself is divorcing herself 90 days after meeting “someone special

   She was criticized by many people concerning her decision but she vowed that “people’s opinion will not change what I think or add anything to it”.

However, now, the said “special someone” has made her change her mind so fast and take back her earlier vow not to care about people’s opinions.

  33-Year-old Brazilian Lady Who Got Married To Herself Is Set to Divorce After 90days Of Been Sold Married Because She Met “Someone Special”.

“I was happy while it lasted,” she is quoted as having said.

The beautiful model posed for pictures in front of a Catholic church in Sao Paulo, Brazil. 

  She wore a sweet gown and was asked the reason for her outfit, she said,“I wanted to highlight my best features so I wore a killer neckline”.

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