Nine persons feared dead, 29 Injuried At The Calabar Carnival.

Nine persons feared dead, 29 Injuried At The Calabar Carnival.

  The ugly incident that happened on Tuesday, December 27 has claimed the lives of 9persons. A vehicle lost control and rammed into unsuspecting crowd at a Carnival in Calabar, Cross River State.

  It was reported that 29 persons sustained different degree of injuries.

  The commissioner of Police of the state, Balarabe Sule in a chat when the some news mean confirmed the incident: “I cannot confirm the actual number of the death presently but I can confirm that over 20 persons have been injured.

I have personally helped to evacuate a good number of the injured and some corpses to about three clinics in Calabar.”

DailyPost reports that the incident happened at about 4pm on Mary Slessor Road, one of the carnival routes. Today was listed by the carnival organisers for power bike and exotic cars parades. But the event started late. The vehicle that lost control was not part of the carnival cars.

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